Intestinal Capillaria

What is Intestinal Capillaria? Intestinal capillarosis is a helminthiase in humans caused by the nematodes Capillaria philippiensis. Capillaries were first discovered in 1963 in a seriously ill patient in the Philippines. Invasion is manifested in

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What is Dicroceliasis? Dicroceliosis is a helminthic disease of domestic and wild animals, as well as humans, characterized by damage to the liver and gallbladder. Causes of Dicroceliasis The causative agent of dicroceliasis – helminth-trematode

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Visceral Leishmaniasis

What is Visceral Leishmaniasis? Visceral leishmaniasis (Dum-Dum fever, kala-azar) is a transmissible parasitic disease characterized by a chronic course, wave-like fever, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia. Indian kala-azar, Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis (for children), East African and South American

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What is Botulism? Botulism is an acute toxic-infectious disease associated with eating foods that contain Clostridium botulinum toxin and the pathogens themselves. Characterized by the development of cuts and paralysis of the muscles due to

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What is Rabies? Rabies (outdated – hydrophobia) – an acute infectious disease that occurs after the bite of an infected animal, occurs with a heavy lesion of the nervous system and ends, as a rule,

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Dengue Fever

What is Dengue Fever? Dengue fever (synonyms: dengue-awn – it is German., French, Spanish; dangy – a man, breakbonefever – English; denguero – ital, a dengue fever, bone marrow fever, articular fever, giraffe fever, five

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