In dietary nutrition is not so easy to find a product that is valued more than bananas. The benefits and harms of these exotic fruits are thoroughly researched. It remains only to carefully study the knowledge of science, so as to make the best use of these delicacies.
Chemical composition of bananas
Benefits and harms of bananas, as well as other food products, is completely determined by their chemical composition. And yet, since this exotic fruit, which makes a long way to our counters, its properties can be affected by substances that stimulate or slow its maturation.
In the composition of a banana of medium size and moderate maturity:
- 15-17% of the daily norm of vitamin C;
- 22% of the daily intake of vitamin B6, essential for metabolism;
- 8% of the daily requirement for magnesium;
- 16% of the daily requirement for manganese;
- 12% of the daily requirement for potassium.
The content of proteins and fats in a banana is minimal and does not exceed 1 gram. The protein contained in the banana is predominantly tryptophan. In the human body, it turns into serotonin, and it is this hormone of joy and pleasure.
In bananas, a lot of natural sugars:
- sucrose,
- fructose,
- glucose in combination with fiber.
The pulp of a banana is a source of catecholamines (the same serotonin or dopamine) and malic acid. This allows them to be used as dietary products for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach, intestines. Banana is an indispensable component in children’s nutrition, as well as in the compilation of a diet for athletes and persons with intense physical and intellectual loads. Banana is distinguished by its high caloric content – 95 kcal per 100 g of product. It is a source of energy, and all thanks to the content of hydrocarbon fibers (pectins).
Useful properties of bananas
In the opinion of nutritionists, the chemical composition of bananas is so harmonious and balanced that it is difficult to repeat both by nature and under artificial conditions. Regular, but at the same time, moderate consumption of bananas in food will serve a good service to your health, and that’s why:
- thanks to the content of potassium and magnesium, bananas have a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, nourish and oxygenate the brain cells, normalize the water-salt balance;
- due to the same potassium and magnesium, actively using bananas, it is possible to quit smoking sooner; By means of these microelements, the organism can easily overcome the so-called “barrier of dependence”;
- thanks to the high content of B vitamins and tryptophan bananas help overcome nervous tension, relieve stress, suppress an outburst of anger;
- 1-2 bananas a day will provide a great mood, because the same tryptophans from bananas in the human body are converted into a hormone of joy, serotonin;
- due to the high iron content, the banana is useful for the formation of hemoglobin in the blood;
- cellulose in the composition of bananas helps to eliminate violations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal system; bananas are recommended in the recovery period with lesions of the oral mucosa and digestive tract;
- the content of natural sugars in the banana makes this fruit a source of fast energy, which means that a portion of bananas is shown with increased fatigue and high physical and intellectual loads;
- bananas are useful for the health and beauty of the skin, often their flesh is used as a basis for nutritious masks; The pulp of a banana on inflamed skin or bites of insects can remove itching and irritation.
Who needs to be careful?
Bananas, unfortunately, do not belong to the number of fruits, completely devoid of contraindications. Potential harm from banana abuse can be attributed to:
- banana removes liquid from the body, promotes blood thickening;
- increase in blood viscosity, followed by a decrease in blood flow to individual organs or parts of the body;
- the above fact is unfavorable for persons with varicose veins and for men with erection problems;
- for similar reasons, it is undesirable to eat bananas in food for patients with thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, and all others who have elevated blood coagulability;
- for some people, bananas can cause bloating, and therefore their use is not recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome;
- bananas and people with an increased body weight are not recommended, they are highly caloric; this fruit is not so much to be excluded from the diet, how many to use it at a minimum or in accordance with the diet developed by the doctor;
- artificial ripening of bananas contributes to the fact that a certain part of complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber) are converted into carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, and hence such a banana from useful for diabetics turns into harmful.
Bananas grown in artificial industrial conditions may contain carcinogens thiabendazole and chloramazole. These are pesticides used to control pests. In accordance with the sanitary norms for the production of pesticides, the products are checked before it reaches the counters.